Promotes the sound development of administrative law, procedure, and practice. Provides a forum for government attorneys to promote understanding of governmental law practice.
Serves the professional needs of corporate attorneys and those who do business or transactional work, by providing information and CLE programming.
Deals with all aspects of the administration of criminal justice.
Promotes information including CLE programs and legislation on domestic relations and family law.
Serves to advance the understanding, study, adoption, application, interpretation, and improvement of the federal laws, tribal laws and, to the extent applicable, state laws, rules, and regulations which pertain to Indians, to Indian tribes, or to Indian country, and to their administration and enforcement.
To enhance the delivery of legal services to the elder community by providing continuing legal education for attorneys.
Increases awareness of economic impacts of state statutes, regulations, and case-law decisions.
Provides information to commercial and residential practice attorneys with an annual CLE conference. Section oversees the accuracy of resources including Title Standards and Mineral Title Standards manuals.
Provides continuing legal education and recommendations concerning legislative and administrative rules on tax laws.
Advances the interest and participation of women lawyers in government, the judiciary and the practice of law.
Membership in the Young Lawyers Section is limited to attorneys who are 35 years of age or younger, or who have practiced for 5 years or less, whichever occurs last. For more information, contact